A21 AGF Vanilla Plus Full Collection (2024)

About this mod

Vanilla Plus - An AGF style of playing the game with tons of QOL features. All work server side and attempts to support all included languages. Inside the package, you can easily remove features you may not want to tailor it to your desire.

Permissions and credits

Version 14 comes with a LOT of corrections, new QOL features all aim to simplify gameplay without removing its challenges and attempting to improve performance.

All are server side so a server host can add these mods to their server, and any joining player will automatically have access to them. :)

Images and Videos depicting accurately what this A21 version offers is a work in progress.

Also, DISCORD is the easiest way to get a hold of me if you have questions, want to learn how to mod, or just to say hi.

This is packed with a TON of modlets, allowing you to remove any features you do not wish to have. Below is a full list of modlets.
Core - Crafting on one page, craft all doors, etc
AmmoPlus - Allows you to scrap ammo to receive all of its ingredients and better stacks.
ArmorVisionPlus - Allows helmet light and nightvision to attach to armor.
AutomobilesRespawn - Vehicles that are salvaged, will respawn.
BattleAxeMod - An axe only attachment that improves its entity dmg, but reduces its block dmg.
BetterEggChance - Raises chance of eggs found in birdnests from 35% to 63%.
BookCollections - Allows you to combine books (not crafting magazines) for collections or selling for more dukes.
BundleMods - Bundle the in game mods to save on storage space.
CompactTrees - Take 5 tree seeds and craft them into a x5 seed. Single tree that acts like 5.
CosmeticMods - Make your armor appear like other clothing.
DeathPenalty10Percent - Max penalty of death is 10% instead of 50%.
DecorationBlock - READY (as of v12)
DewsPlus - Craft 5 Dew Collectors into a single one that acts like 5, and are now 2x2 instead of 3x3 (safe to update)
DrawbridgeAnyAngle - Self Explanatory?
DrinkableAcid - You can drink acid to go on a fun trip and likely die.
DyesPlus - Craft, bundle dyes. Added Invisible and Orange dye. Total of 28 new colors!
ElectricityPlus - More power from generators. Engines, Batteries, Solar cells stack. New “power core” item to power banks.
FarmingPlus - Plant birdnests and beehives for eggs, feathers, and honey. 3 crops for 1 seed at tier 3 living off the land.
FuelPlus - Craft stacks of wood or coal into an item that burns for 10 minutes, 60 minutes, or 600 minutes.
HPRunningSolesMod - High Performance Running Shoes, as a mod for your boots!
JunkTurretPlus - Each skill point in robotics adds 50 magazine size, up to 250.
LanternPickupPlus - Pick up flashlights (all of them), lanterns (new and old), jack-o-lanterns, and burning barrels.
LargerHordes - Wandering Hordes are a lot larger than vanilla and hopefully not too large to hurt performance.
MasterTool - Schematic can only be found in the highest tier quests in their hardened chests.
MaxLevel500 - … Why? just because. lol.
Mod988 - 988 is Suicide Hotline. Turns all noose blocks into rope.
ModSlotsPlus - Improved slots that keeps with progression.
PaintbrushPlus - Paint for free, hold trigger, and shorter range.
PlayerResetQuests - You can now tell the trader to give you fresh quest options.
ProgressiveBiomeSpawning - Forest is easiest, Wasteland is extra hard now.
PumpkinsPlus - “Molo-Jack-Ovs” and wear a jack-o-lantern as a helmet!
QuickStart - No tutorial quests but you start as if you have done them.
ScrapBattery2Acid - Self Explanatory?
SimplifiedStackSizes - Simplified stack sizes, more convenient, and doesn’t break the in game economy.
SmeltingPlus - 3 slot forges, sand is 1:5 ratio, and you can smelt/craft 1 unit of sand, stone, or clay.
StayLongerAnimalCorpses - Corpses stay for 10 minutes instead of 5.
StayLongerPlayerBackpack - Player’s backpack stay for 5 hours instead of 1.
StayLongerZombieLoot - Zombie loot stays for 1 hour instead of 20 minutes.
StorageSizesPlus - Just a simple increase to basic storages.
TacticalRiflePlus - Removes 3 round burst and slight increase to magazine size.
Tier6Crafting - Achieve Tier 4 in a pertaining skill and gain a +1 crafting level to those items.
Tires2Wheels - New wheel recipe from tires you find in the world.
ToolImprovments - Better types of tools are slightly faster. Chainsaw can butcher 70% like an axe.
TraderAlwaysOpen - Traders are always open, never close.
TraderVendingMachine - Purchase a trader managed vending machine you can place anywhere.
VehicleDissassembly - Recollect parts of your vehicle at a workstation.
VehiclePerformance - Enhanced speeds, easier mountain climbing, double health
VehicleSafeAircraftJumps - When exiting a vehicle, you have about 7 seconds to hit the ground to avoid fall damage.
VehicleSeating - 2 seats for bicycle, minibike, and motorcycle. 5 for truck. 4 for gyro copter. Bwahahahaha!
VehicleStorageSizes - Adds one row of storage to each vehicle.
VehicleUseLessGas - Vehicles consume gas at a slower rate for longer travels between refills.
ZombieCorpseLeaveQuicker - For performance, zombie corpses leave after 10 seconds instead of 30.

A21 AGF Vanilla Plus Full Collection (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.